Tribes of Jharkhand
Jharkhand holds 6 ranks in term of schedule tribe population. Tribes of Jharkhand is categorised into two parts 1st main tribes and 2nd aboriginal tribes. 8 Tribes of Jharkhand comes under the category of aboriginal tribes. Santhal tribe. Santhal tribe is largest in Jharkhand. Santhal tribe is 3rd tribal community in India. Santhal tribes belong to proto austraoloid group. Santhal tribe is divided into 12 clans. 8 type of marriages are in use in Santhal tribes. Spritual head of village is Nayake. Jog manjhi imparts moral lessons to youths of Santhal tribes. Santhal tribes use Santali language which belongs to Austo-Asiatic family. Ol Chiki script is used by Santhal tribes. The headman of Santhal tribe village is Manjhi. They are agriculturalist. Rice is the staple food crop of Santhal people. Santhal people are mainly Hindu. They called their god as Si...